Monday, February 18, 2008

Ok Lets Start This Again

I can not believe I have not blogged since December 10th. I really want to keep this journal, I do, it is just that everything else keeps getting in the way. You know the same old story always too busy. Not anymore though, because I am going to make it a priority to blog once a week mostly for my family and friends back in Canada, if they think I have not been emailing they can always check here. I wont bother going into all the happenings of the last 2 months its been a whirlwind of Chrismtas, family visits and the start of another school year. The highlight being the visit from my sister and her family, it was an amazing visit and all over way too fast! Miss you all!!! and can not wait to catch up again. I will leave this post with a few pictures taken during their vist. A couple from Fraser Island and one from a local water fall, Protestor Falls.
My next entry will be some photos of some new tops I have done for the markets and I am happy to say it is still all going really well for me.


Fandy said...

Great pics...Can't wait to see more.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alli, Thanks for the link. It was great catching upp on your family's life. It seems so long since we have caught up! I LOVE the clothes. You need to do some for my girls. Glad to see it is all working out up there....but we miss you down here. We need to catch up this year! Sue has a 3 month old Skye Jade, if you need a young model??? Love Kyles, Daz, Arki, Indi and Sunday