Friday, May 2, 2008

6 Quirks

I have been tagged by Jennifer and now need to mention 6 quirks about myself, which should be easy enough and then tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same. Ok so here they are:

1) I smell books all books I just love the smell of the pages either from a new or an old book. Before I start to read a new book I smell it and then that seems to satisfy me until the next book but, I have been known to smell the same book over and over.

2) I sing which would be ok except that I can't sing, my singing voice is terrible! And it does not stop at singing it is what I sing that is strange, especially to my son. I sing strange silly songs often with made up words and with no rhyme or reason I would give an example but, those who know me best know what I mean and those that don't would think "STRANGE"!

3) I can not eat dark chicken meat, I tell my husband if I do that my throat will constrict and I will choke, and who knows maybe it actually will I believe it to be so and therefore, will not ever contemplate eating dark meat. And if my husband buys a chicken I can not carve it for I do not even like the look of dark chicken meat it has to be the breast meat and it can have no marks on it. Which leads to the small fortunate I spend on chicken breast meat because by the time I am finished cutting out all the yucky bits we are usually left with the tiniest bit of meat and therefore, I have to buy lots just to feed us but, I don't like to waste so we have one very lucky dog!

4) I hate the grocery store I hate it and will do anything to get my husband to do the grocery shopping which he usually does thank goodness. I don't know why I just hate to grocery shop and it is not because I have young children that make grocery shopping more difficult although that may be a small factor but, I hate it even when on my own. However, I love to eat so thankfully one of us does not mind food shopping. I do however, LOVE to shop for almost anything else, I even love the hardware shops!

5) As a teenager I loved freckles, and would draw some onto my nose with a brown eyeliner, just a few, and rub them in a bit, my girlfriends thought I was nuts but, I could not face the day without my few freckles. I no longer need to do this but, that is because now I have my own permanent freckles the sun decided to place them there permanently I guess.

6) I am impatient which really is not a quirk as many people are impatient but, I am SO impatient that when something goes wrong I will rant and rave until it is fixed, for example I once had my husband paint one wall in the girls room a hot pink which I had picked out but, hated it so much I pleaded with him to change it that day and would not listen to reason and just wait a week or two in case it grew on me (I knew it would not) I ran back to the store and bought new paint and bless him he changed it the very next day. Same goes with my hair, if I hate the colour I am usually back into a stylist the very next week to change.

7) I can not stop at 6 because I hate the number 6! It is my husbands favourite number but, not mine, I like 9 best but, 7 is ok too. I often do things in number sequence, splash water on my face 9 times, or do things that will add up to 9. I do it often without thinking and no one really knows I am doing it. I think in numbers a lot and will constantly add them up to get them to where I want them.

8) I have a number thing

9) And to end on my favourite number, I, like the person who tagged me, love washing clothes and love cleaning products. But because I am so busy these days I spend more time just looking at the cleaning products wishing they would grow arms and legs and do it themselves then actually get around to using them. The clothes though, they always come first and get washed a lot and at the moment all is going well because my mom is here who does not mind hanging them and folding them because as I mentioned I love WASHING them , not the hagning or folding, so when she leaves I will be at a loss.

Ok so that was a bit cathartic, and I have a many more quirks which my husband, kids and mom had no trouble blurting out to me but, there are just some things I can not admit on here!

Ok I will tag

And that has to be it because I can not think of anyone else.


Fandy said...

You one crazy mama! Sebastian Wong was born yesterday...9+ lbs.

Emma-Kate Castricum said...

I love these, I can understand your supermarket dislike, I'm the same, I always try to leave it to Craig to go.I also love your chicken dilemma, my sister's exactly the same, although I'm not sure about her throat closing over and her choking.

As for the book sniffing....bit of a worry!!!


Anonymous said...

Thats our Ally. Love It! Barb